Monday, January 9, 2012

its 09 january 2012
Well monday as usual , a very tiring day
the former sec 4's received their o levels results today
somehow i dun feel the pressure on me either :/
then uhh , nothing interesting happened today
so probably nothing to write about .
Mmmhmmm .

posted @ Monday, January 09, 2012 |

Friday, January 6, 2012

its January 6 .
Friday .
well its 2012 now .Late happy new year i guess ?
mmmhmm .
this year started badly honestly .
lost 2 best friends with i dunno how it happened .
but life goes on anw .
sec 4 life is crappy man
soooo much work .
lotsa boring lesson yet in exchange , the lessons had fun teachers
in fact all th teachers are awesome this year
but i got a feeling its not gonna be th same for long
o levels this october
the exam that affects my whole future
but i dont feel scared or something
thats what makes me scared
coz im not scared
and yeah probably not gonna think about love life anymore
till the time is right atleast
dota ? yeah . still .
Hope 2012 is something to remember .

posted @ Friday, January 06, 2012 |

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Its December 6 .
Almost the end of 2011 .
Time goes really fast .
But , i feel like im changing these past few days .
I feel much calmer , and somewhat different .
I feel taller too o.o
Okay maybe im not physically growing , but
this probably is what we go through when maturing to an adult .
Been home alone lately all the time .
Nobody to talk to , likewise .
So i read this post by someguy i have no idea of in facebook ,
it wrote that i am born in the week of "leaders" and people who easily fall in love .
I guess its pretty much true but i dont see myself as a leader .
I always mess up .
but these things arent stuff to believe anyway
I've given up finding a partner long ago .
The last one opened my eyes big enough for me to see the world right
Right now i just feel like i can change what i am now ,
To be somebody worth to help in the future .
I got determination , but i aint got any will to start .
I need someone , whom i know that loves me for who i am , emotionally too .
I guess its not my right time to shine yet .
Well , patience is a virtue eh ?
i'll keep that in mind .

posted @ Tuesday, December 06, 2011 |

Friday, November 18, 2011

Hola !
Its 18 November .
Wow , i haven't been updating for quite a while now .
Really long .
Like seriously long .
Anyways ,
Blogging might the only thing i have left to do .
Well , aside from playing DotA .
Yes my dear blog , i play DotA !
You know , defense of the ancients ?
No ?
As i was saying ,
im almost sec 4
gee , time sure flies
like really flies .
holy shit enough of that .
i hate talking to myself -.-"
These days im supposed to be WORKING , you know , in society .
I kept promising myself i'll find a part-time job soon .
Well , that NEVER happened .
I have the motivation but i got no will to do it .
i just feel SOOO LAZY .
but i need money .
ALOT of money .
wait , who doesn't ?

Heyhey .
Aside from that ,
DotA 2 is coming soon !
Not sure when .
Finally , the graphics tremendously improve .
I asked myself .. " Why ?"
Then again , i googled it up and found out
that its developed by ValvE
Icefrog must have really been rich by then
Favourite hero so far is
..... BALANAR ! the night stalker .
Why the hell is he a stalker ?
pedophile .
Not sure how this holiday is gonna turn out
plus next year comes a whole load of stress
O levels
Gee .

posted @ Friday, November 18, 2011 |

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Its Wednesday , July 13th .
Wow , been a long time i posted .
Anw , today's gonna be abt my current deck , Dark/Water .
Its pretty awesome as it is right now .
Won alot of matches , though lost some too .
Its a Dark lord/knight deck .
Main cards ? Romanoff the first and king balcry .
well , ppl say i get to summon losta dangerous dude out quick .
my best combo , triple inferno sign .
so far , its realli weak to to speed .
well , sometimes its able to make a comeback when i have no shields .
well , will try to post a duel video next time .
sayonara !

posted @ Wednesday, July 13, 2011 |

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Its June 22nd , Wednesday .
Well , juz feel lyk reviewing a card in Duel Masters .
Yeah , my all time favourite card !
Right there , th above shown , is Alphadios,Lord of Spirits .
Realli , a remarkable card .
Well , as u can see it has 10 mana cost and a power of 15500 .
Triple breaker though .
But thts not th wonderful thing .
Th effects are insane !
While this creature is in the battle zone , all players can onli cast and summon cards tht are of light civilization .
AINT THT COOL !? So , its kinda lyk a game decider .
once Alphadios comes out , GG to ur opponent .
Well , its required race to evolve aint tht rare either !
Juz normal angel commands would do .
Cheerio ~

posted @ Wednesday, June 22, 2011 |

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Its June 21 , Tuesday .
Th last week of th school holidays .
I kinda miss school and cnt wait till it starts !
Okae can !
I juz feel lyk "reviewing" on DM stuff .
One thing today , is about themed decks .
I see lotsa ppl playing "pure" decks .
And most of th time they lose .
Why ?
from wht i observe , "pure" decks are very weak in some ways .
They have a lot of weakness .
For example , a pure dark deck .
A pure dark deck is very weak to any kinds of light deck .
whereas is goes th same to a pure light deck , where its weak to a dark deck .

From my experience , duelists should always make their decks impure .
impure decks have many advantages in a few ways .
example , a nature light deck .
th light cards would provide support for attacking while th
nature cards would provide th support in mana building .
So , th percentage of weakness is lowered .
th best kinds of impurity are hybrid cards .
they cn hold up to many different kinds of abilities tht cn benefit a deck in many ways too .
Whereas fire is mostly weak against any blocker civilization .
I guess tht pretty much sums it up .
Till here .

posted @ Tuesday, June 21, 2011 |

Mohamed Faiz . Call me Iz . Not a typical guy , but rather unique . 15 and counting .

I dun lyk many things and i dislyk most things. .


Scream your thoughts (:


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